Amy told me today that I am a home hoarder. What is a home hoarder? Well, Amy thinks that it is me... or to be exact- it is me slightly scrunching my face or a small amount of detest in my voice when she tells me that she is going to be at home for a couple of hours when I get off work.
She had taken a few hours of vacation and had to go in at 7:30 tonight. I guess that I must have mad a sound or something but in truth, she was right. As much as I love her, most of the time I enjoy having the few hours after work to myself befor she comes home. I have found it is a great me time for relaxation and just ahhh time. It's not that I am a house hoarder, it is just that well, when I get off work and she is home I have to start dinner right away and do other misc stuff. I can't just flop and play with the dog and just goof off. It doesn't happen very often so I shouldn't complain but I am and I probably will continue to get time selfish.
On to knitting. I finished the back of Testy. I have the pattern figured out. For the front part, too. The front pieces are going by so much quicker than normal. Yay! I have to just type out the corrected pattern, now.
So, I was asked to other day if I would barter. I said sure. I am going to make her a purse. I get to choose the colors and the style. I already have the yarn picked out, but I don't know what pattern to use. If anyone has some ideas on a purse pattern for worsted weight yarn, please let me know. I have searched the usual sights... Knitty,, etc and not crazy about any of them. So, please let me know if you know something that I would love...
Happy Knitting
Oh. I almost forgot... here is the tip for yesterday...
Finding that some of your rows in knitting are a little uneven. That is goes from tight to loose to tight to loose? Pull out enough yarn for the row at the beginning of each row. That way you can keep your tension.
Love You Much Valentine Card Kit
16 years ago
I totally understand the house hoarding. My ex used to be away 1 weekend a month for Reserves and I REALLY enjoyed have the house to myself. I usually got absolutly nothing accomplished those weekends.
I understand being a house hoarder. Right now my partner is a full time student which means the only time I get the house totally to myself for extended periods of time is when she has night classes. When those classes get cancelled or she makes it home earlier I have to admit it's a bit of a disappointment. It's the only chance I get to kick back and play video games and watch anime uninterrupted (both of which she hates!).
As for the purse, how about a quick and easy booga bag or sophie purse. They both knit up fast and using Noro makes the Booga bag look a lot more complicated than it actuaolly is. :-)
I'm the same way, except my family calls it 'unsocial'! :)
I just wanted to let you know that I haven't sent your last package yet...if there's something you'd really like that I can get for you, don't hesitate to ask!
Secret Pal
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