Okay, I was on row 90 something of my Charlotte's Web Shawl and found that I had made massive mistakes. So, being the person that I am I ripped it out from beginning. Why? Well, I had this one colorway that had this horrible pinky salmony color in it. Horrible! So, after getting two new balls fo koigu I started again. Only here I am, once again back tracking my knitting to figure out where I made my newest mistake at. ARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH! But, I think it is only two rows back and that isn't too bad. I really think that I am going to try out running a "saver thread" through after each color section.
I wasd also gifted a ball of yarn today called margarita. Not my colors of true choice, but seeing how i am not one to turn down free yarn I snatched it up. I know a lovely little 5 year old that will think the colors are fabulous.
Off to try to get my scarf corrected. Don't feel to much like telling of the job hunt, to lame to talk about it today... :)
Happy Knitting!
Love You Much Valentine Card Kit
16 years ago