I always try to think of some witty title and today I have nothin' sorry. So, I am just leaving it blank.
I have been working on Calypso. I just started into ball number nine and was only supposed to use up eight. I think it's a good thing that Jonelle gave me a few extra balls "just in case". I am almost to the arm holes on the front of the sweater. I have two more inches to go before I can start the decreasing and then after that it is smooth sailing. My goal is to have it finished by this afternoon or this evening. I want to get it to her tomorrow so I can start working on something else. Shannon had said that she didn't want to be a test knitter as she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to finish it becuase of time or the big one...she would get tired of working on it so she would just stop knitting it.
I had thought about not being able to complete it because of time constraints and as you all know how I am about finishing projects, I was more than worried about that one, too! So of course everything else got put on hold. Clapotis is sitting there, I haven't had the heart to rip back from where I made my mistake. My sister's socks, which need to be finished by March 9th are awaiting completion, my tweed socks are just sitting there, I know that I won't be able to get them done before warm weather comes in, and everything else I have been working on is just sitting there. I have cheated here and there and got a few rows worked on this or that but mostly I have been stuck on Calypso. I was thinking about all of this last night and telling my sister how much I missed working on other projects and then I realized something...
TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!
I am rather proud of that. It makes up for the fact that I haven't worked on other stuff. Awesome!
So, other news that I have to report...
My sister and I went to Fry's last night to get some soda's and other stuff for dinner and we were stopped on the way out....we were trapped.... and were pressured into buying a few things from these wonderful saleswomen...It was their smiles and enthusiasm... Okay okay it was the cookies.... WHO could say no to Brownies? Not me and not my sister... I walked away with these...

Looking for pictures of the cookies I stumbled across
this... I am brainy, mysterious, complex...
I am off to take Maggie to the Vet today, she has to get her teeth scraped and some other work done that is not quite so nice to describe... I will just say that it deals with her bottom half...
I am also going to Bookman's. I gotta get rid of some more books. I think that I will just take the money this time... Or find out if I can use the credit at the other Bookmans in Mesa. I am going to finish my Calypso top today too!
Happy Knitting.